
Showing posts from 2011

Flush Jaspersoft OLAP Cache from Talend/JasperETL

JaspersoftETL is a Java code generation tool designed to load your operational data into a  data warehouse  and get it ready for reporting and analysis.   Jaspersoft OLAP  takes advantage of aggregate tables and an in-memory cache to speed up queries. If you're running a nightly job to load the DW, it's a good idea to clear the OLAP cache at that time, otherwise your users will not take advantage of new data. There are several ways to clear the OLAP cache: Login with superuser privileges and display the OLAP Settings page. In the OLAP Settings panel, click Flush OLAP Cache .    Using utilities such as cURL and wget, send an HTTP request to this URL: http://server:8080/ olap/flush.html?j_username=superuser&j_password= Restart the application server instance.  Call the Java API. I've created a small component that allows the clearing of cache via the URL method from a JasperETL/Talend job. Essentially it will prompt you for a userna...

Using tGoogleAnalyticsInput in JasperETL/Talend

This is a short article on getting Google Analytics into JaspersoftETL / Talend ETL tools. Google Analytics has a nice interface and many great ways of analyzing web traffic, it'd be hard to beat the work Google did there. The purpose of this connector would be to bring the data into your own data warehouse and join it with other intelligence you might have. A great way to display the aggregated data would be with a BI tool like  Jaspersoft . I'm writing because the help for the tGoogleAnalyticsInput is in French and incomplete. So let's get started. You'll need JasperETL 4.1.2 or older (commercial editions here , open source here ). Installing the plugin: Create a new Job Design and drag the tGoogleAnalyticsInput component from the Palette (under Internet): Configure the component. First start with finding some fields you'd like to use from the Google API:

Icinga Reporting with JasperReports Server - Part 2: Usage + Basic Report Development

Short tutorial, shows how to schedule a report, how to change the way you are prompted for parameters and some basic editing of reports within iReport

Icinga Reporting with JasperReports Server - Part 1: Installation

A quick overview of how to install and configure the reporting add-on packages for Icinga (a Nagios Monitoring Fork), written for JasperReports Server.

Backing Up JasperServer in Linux

This is a sysadmin how-to for backing up JasperReports Server (formerly JasperServer) and it's database (MySQL only for now). I wrote a fairly robust script to achieve this task. It will read the database configuration from your file, work with several versions of JasperServer, delete old backups, write to the syslog and export the repository contents to file. First drop my backup script into your \buildomatic folder if you're using 4.0 and abovie, 3.7 and below put in your /scripts folder. Once the script is in place edit the variables at the top of the script: This is to signify that you're using JasperServer 3.7.1 and below: IS_PRE_4=false This is a name for the product: PRODUCT_NAME="JRS-4.0-Pro" This is where backups will be stored: BACKUP_DEST="/home/ernesto/Dropbox/Backups" This will delete old backups if set to true DELETE_OLD=true How many days to keep old backups DAYS=120 Now add it to your cr...

Music Player Daemon w/ lame Support in Debian

Trying to get my old Blackberry to stream from my mpd server, it turns out the built in http stream output is not compiled with lame encoder (mp3) support. Here are some instructions on building the source package with the lame encoder options compiled in for Debian Squeeze (6.0) (as root) Install libmp3lame0 and lame from cd /tmp/ Get the build dependencies for mpd: apt-get build-dep mpd Get the mpd source package: apt-get source mpd  cd mpd-0.15.12 (your version may differ) Edit the file debian/rules and remove --disable-lame Build the binary: ./debian/rules binary Build the .deb package: cd ..  dpkg-source -b mpd-0.15.12 Install the package: dpkg -i mpd_0.15.12-1.1_amd64.deb Lock the package in place so that updates won't blow away your change: echo mpd hold | dpkg --set-selections That's it! Then you can configure an audio output in /etc/mpd.conf: audio_output {         type         ...

ThinkPad Overheating Issue Fix

She's pretty hot! On my ThinkPad T410s fans were disabled by default after installing Debian 6 (Squeeze). I would randomly be working on CPU intensive stuff and the computer would shut down with: Critical temperature reached (128 C)  To fix this I created the file /etc/modprobe.d/thinkpad_acpi.conf and added options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1 to it. I've submitted a bug against the acpi package in Debian. I got help from ThinkWiki  on this.

File Management Tip for Nautilus/Gnome in Debian

nautilus-open-terminal in action Often I find myself browsing to a directory in Nautilus and then realizing that I'd rather be in terminal. Other times I want to be in Nautilus when I'm in the terminal. There's certain things the command line is better at than the file browser and vice versa. Switching between the two is fairly easy in Gnome/Nautilus. Going from Nautilus to Terminal: You'll need the nautilus-open-terminal package ( sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal; killall -HUP nautilus ). Then in any Nautilus, right click on white space and select "Open in Terminal" Going from Terminal to Nautilus: This one is simpler. I watched a guy at work do this on his Mac and got jealous. You can go from Terminal to Nautilus opened in your current directory by typing:  nautilus . ernesto@debian-t410s:~$ nautilus .

Linux zd1211 Wireless Speed Fix

For some reason my Belkin 54Mbps USB wifi adapter operates at 1 Mb/s under Linux. It's detected as the following by lsusb: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 050d:705c Belkin Components F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v4000 [Zydas ZD1211B] If I do a iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M the card starts working at 54Mb/s. To fix this more permanently I added the following to my /etc/network/interfaces file: auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp         wpa-ssid 56k         wpa-psk secret         wireless-rate 54M