
Showing posts from December, 2013

Geospatial Features in MongoDB with Jaspersoft

Lately I have been posting technical examples to the Jaspersoft community wiki instead of this blog. I'll cross-post this one because there are not many examples of doing this. When working with Geospatial data, I found the $near operator to be pretty sweet. Let me show you by example. In the screenshots below you'll see that I constructed a report that shows "cases" on a map. When you click on a specific case you will be taken to a detail level report. The detail level report will show you cases nearby for that service. So for example, if someone reports a broken street light on Market Street, this might help you locate similar cases. So how is it done?  Quite simple really, take a look at this mongodb  query : Line 8: The $P{location} parameter is a java.util.List that contains longitude and latitude coordinates, something like [-122.4194200,37.7749300] Line 11: How many meters from the center (specified in line 8) should it search Line 13: T...