Jaspersoft Report Writing Best Practices
The following is a set of guidelines for developing reports with iReport and JasperReports Server. It was compiled with the help of Frau Klein Best Practice - report resources: Report units contain references to the resources they use: images, styles, sub-reports, queries, input controls - example Why ? Promotes re-usability (nothing is local to report unit). Easy maintenance around moving report units, replacing resources in a mass scale. Best Practice - references: Never hard code an entire repository path to resource, the image repo:/reports/images/image.png should come in as a reference like repo:image.png - example Why? When you use js-export with --uris option it only resolves repository dependencies, it doesn't look for expressions that maybe use an absolute repository path Best Practice - styles: Do not hard code any style information to JRXML. Develop central style templates (jrtx, jrctx) for all your repo...